Have you ever felt alone coping with your disease?
Moovcare® is a medical application that needs to be prescribed by your oncologist and helps you stay connected to your medical team. If your physician determines that you are eligible to be included into Moovcare® platform, you will start receiving a digital questionnaire once a week, which you can answer via your smartphone, laptop or tablet.
You will be required to self report your symptoms, Moovcare® algorithm will analyse your answers and if it detects an anomaly or complication, an immediate notification will be sent to your treating physician.
Moovcare® was proven in a clinical study to significantly improve lung cancer patients’ well being, as well as the communication with the medical team.
You become an active participant of your health

Discover how Moovcare® works
How Moovcare® Works
Moovcare® can be used with different devices, including your home computer, tablet or smartphone.
Once your physician has prescribed you Moovcare® and you have activated your web account, you can also directly download the native application through your store.

Moovcare® is a medical application that needs to be prescribed by your physician. Please note that you need to activate your account on the website first before downloading the application.